An Engaged Community
Lauriston is fortunate to have the support of its community through the Lauriston Foundation, the Lauriston Parents’ Association, and the Old Lauristonians’ Association.
Old Lauristonians’ Association
The Old Lauristonians’ Association (OLA) was formed on Monday 27 October 1913, to support the growing number of alumnae and keep them connected to the School. The OLA was originally called the “Old Lauristonian’s Club” but was later renamed the Old Lauristonians’ Association in 1923. The OLA funded the first issue of the School magazine, The Lauristonian, published in term 3 1914. In 1925, the OLA helped raise funds to level and replant the existing baseball field and create a full-sized hockey field. Lauriston went on to make a great contribution to Victorian Hockey through the 1920s and 1930.
Today the OLA is a platform for alumnae to support each other and also to come together as a community to support current students through bursaries, prizes and other important initiatives.
Lauriston Parents’ Association
In 1933, during the Great Depression, a group of 70 parents came together to discuss how they could support the School through the difficult times. The Lauriston Parents’ Association was born. In its first couple of years the LPA raised money for Irving Library, endowed the annual Senior Sports Trophy and Dux Prize and provided significant funds to refurbish playing fields and grounds, including establishing a special fund in 1938 to finance new buildings. Over the years, LPA has supported many important projects at the School.
Today the LPA and its associated organisations provide opportunities for parents at the School to support each other, participate in School activities, and also raise money to fund important initiatives at the School.
Lauriston Foundation
The Lauriston Foundation, the fundraising arm of the School, was established in 1984. At the time, Lauriston felt it needed dedicated resources to focus on major projects and initiatives. Over the years, it played an integral role in upholding Lauriston’s vision to be a leading girls’ school.
Donors to the Lauriston Foundation has helped bring many important initiatives to fruition, including the Ullmer Sports & Wellbeing Centre, Science and Resource Centre and FabLearn Lab. One of its key achievements is the purchase and development of Howqua, our Year 9 campus, which to this day remains a highlight of the unique experience offered to girls studying at Lauriston.
The Foundation continues to galvanize community engagement and create lasting connections for current and past parents, staff and alumnae.