Transitions & Handbooks
Welcome to Lauriston. Here you can access a range of important information to help you and your family transition to our School and the broader Lauriston community.
Transitions at Lauriston
Joining a new school is a significant milestone and can be an exciting time for families. At Lauriston we run a dedicated transition program to ensure that the transition into Lauriston and the commencement of each year is smooth.
This booklet highlights the main transition activities that are run each year as part of our Transition Program.
Handbooks & Curriculum Guides
Lauriston has developed a number of handbooks to assist students and families better understand life at Lauriston.
Co-curricular Guides
Lauriston has developed a number of handbooks to assist students and families better understand life at Lauriston.
At Lauriston, uniforms are worn by students in Prep – Year 12. From the moment they first put the uniform on, each student becomes a part of Lauriston and belongs to a community rich with history and the possibilities of a great future to come.
Families new to Lauriston need to make an appointment to visit the Uniform Shop and we encourage this to be done by the end of November in the year prior to commencement.
To book an appointment, please contact the Uniform Shop via +61 3 9864 7569 or
Our Uniform handbook outlines our uniform items and guidelines.
Lauriston Girls’ School runs a One-to-One Technology Program for students in Prep – Year 12 and we require students in Year 5 and above to have access to a device which meets the requirements of the school curriculum.
This booklet outlines our device options and we encourage new families to order their devices by the end of October in the year prior to commencement.
Schoolbox & the Lauriston App
Schoolbox is Lauriston’s parent portal and primary parent communications platform.
Via Schoolbox, parents can find all the information you need from our community and to support your child’s learning. This includes news, events, practical information regarding fees, services and parent groups, and year level or class information and updates. It also acts as Lauriston’s learning management system and provides parents with quick access to our continuous online reporting, absence information.
Parents new to Lauriston will be provided with access to Schoolbox prior to their child commencing at Lauriston. We also encourage parents to download the Lauriston Girls’ School app to access and use critical elements of Schoolbox via your mobile device.
Lauriston Café
Located in the Irvine Courtyard, the Lauriston Café provides a variety of healthy food options throughout the week and is open from 7:30am to 2:30pm daily.
The café operates via Flexischools, a cashless purchasing system and EFTPOS. All students are required to have a Flexischools account, which allows parents to place breakfast or lunch orders using their Flexischools account.
Prep to 6 students can bring their lunches from home or pre order their lunch orders via Flexischools where daily menus and prices are listed. Junior School students in Years Prep – 5 are not permitted to purchase items over the counter from the Café but do have the option to pre order breakfast and lunch items via Flexischools. Junior School eat lunch together each day at 12:30pm and are supervised by teachers.
Senior School and Year 6 students can purchase directly from the Café before school and during recess and lunchtime with either their Flexischools account or by EFTPOS.
Before & After School Care
Before and After School Care is operated by TeamKids and includes holiday programs. Before school care is available from 7.00am. After school care starts from the end of the school day and finishes at 6.00pm.
The TeamKids program is divided into three age groups:
- Kindergarten program (3 and 4 years old) held at the Kindergarten
- Junior program (Prep to Year 2)
- Senior program (Year 3 upwards)
For Senior School students, the St Leon Library (located on the ground floor of the Science & Resource Centre) is open for students between:
- 8.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Thursday during term time
- 8.00am – 5.00pm Friday during term time
Lauriston Parents’ Association
The School has an active parents’ association and parents are encouraged to take part in the association and/or join any of the auxiliaries. Parents can also be involved as a class representatives or as a volunteer throughout the year.