Old Lauristonians
Engagement in life.
It’s no accident the Lauriston values read like a roadmap to a girl’s future; Relationships, Courage, Creativity, Intellectual Curiosity and Engagement in Life. Likewise, the Lauriston values are very deliberately placed at the heart of our alumnae network.
The Lauriston Alumnae Office offers our more than 9,000 Old Lauristonians a full and diverse range of opportunities including class reunions, career development and mentoring programs, networking opportunities and social groups.
Wherever they go in the world, it’s a wonderful, lifelong connection with each other and with Lauriston.
To connect with the Alumnae Relations Manager please email ola@lauriston.vic.edu.au
The OLA Fellowship
Old Lauristonians’ Association
Established in 1914, the Old Lauristonians’ Association is steered by a diverse group of women from many of our year cohorts.
Since its inception, the OLA’s mission has been to provide opportunities and initiatives that engage with and connect to the Lauriston alumnae, and to foster a strong relationship with the contemporary Lauriston School family.
All past students, no matter when they left Lauriston, are life-members of our ever-growing past student community.
The OLA Committee actively supports the Alumnae Office at Lauriston and is a wonderful connection to the School’s living history.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you’d like to share a story, a notable achievement or community notice about an Old Lauristonian, please email: ola@lauriston.vic.edu.au
Alumnae reunions and events bring our Old Lauristonians together. Past students are invited to reunite at School to renew friendships, connect with past teachers, tour the campus, and reconnect with the school. You can find out about upcoming Old Lauristonian events here.
The Committee focuses on supporting the school through the following initiatives for past students:
- Business Networking and Career Opportunities
- Community Relations
- Chapter Relations for past students worldwide
- Communications – providing different ways to connect with our past students
- Young Old Lauristonians (YOLs) - supporting their transition from student to graduate
We are always keen to hear from Old Lauristonians who may be interested in joining the Committee. If you would like to know more about the OLA or becoming a committee member, please contact ola@lauriston.vic.edu.au
The OLA AGM was held on 29 May 2023. To view the Minutes of Meeting, please click here.