Junior School


A place to belong

Regardless of when she joins the Lauriston community, every girl is welcomed into a place that teaches the value of relationships, courage, creativity, intellectual curiosity, and engagement in life to the full. 

Underpinned by our philosophy of ‘care, share and respect’ and taught by caring and passionate educators, the syllabus is broken into core subjects and specialist programs, where continuous evaluation and reflection are key. 

A grass-roots community service program is embedded in each year, and on enrolment, students join one of four Houses where they develop connections, build a support network, and forge lifelong friendships.

Chris Toms
Vice Principal, Head of Junior School

“A Lauriston student leaves our Junior School with highly developed skills in literacy, numeracy, science and technology, and an appreciation of her own creative power.”

― Susan Just, Principal

Discover more

The Lauriston difference

Lauriston’s Junior School is where we begin honing each girl’s independent thinking skills, building her confidence in STEM subjects, and instilling a sense of purpose through contribution. 

The all-girls learning program and concentrated class sizes allow our dedicated teaching team the freedom to create the best possible learning environments. 

This team of long-serving educators creates a stable, nurturing environment that ensures students feel safe, understood, and can smoothly transition from one year to the next. 

They’re equally attuned to the emotional needs of every girl and our progressive Wellbeing Program catering for the stages of her development.

Learning programs are also designed to the needs of each student, providing extension opportunities or greater support as needed, with the aim of building strong academic foundations that prepare girls for a lifetime of learning.

Programs that promote digital literacy, creativity, collaboration and STEM learning equip the girls for the world as it is and will be. 

The wide range of incursions, excursions, camps, co-curricular activities, and our community service program ensures each girl experiences the many facets of life that help shape her sense of self, her interests and passions. 

A key element of Lauriston’s Junior School is how we develop leadership skills and strength of character. By the time a girl reaches Year 6, she’ll have had experience working in teams and many opportunities to lead, including becoming a confident public speaker. 

‘Lauriston's Junior School is where we begin honing each girl's independent thinking skills, building her confidence in STEM subjects, and instilling a sense of purpose through contribution.’
― Chris Toms - Vice Principal, Head of Junior School
‘Lauriston really is a school for life. I’ve come back to the school as a parent and I think it has an enormous amount to give our girls in their growth and development to become outstanding young women of today'
― Caroline D (1988)
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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to consider when choosing Lauriston for my primary school aged daughter?

We provide a highly personalised teaching and learning program in primary school at Lauriston.  

Our teachers take the time to get to know your daughter and design her learning tasks and goals so that her strengths are extended and she is supported where and when she needs it. 

We use a variety of group and individual tasks and teach in different styles to give every student the opportunity to learn in her own way. 

Our teachers view mistakes as opportunities to learn and we encourage all students to develop a mindset which accepts everyone’s ability can improve over time.

What are the benefits of an all-girls primary school?

We’re asked this question often and it’s something we’re passionate about. 

Research proves that girls thrive in an all-girls environment. They do better academically, socially and emotionally. 
At Lauriston, every aspect of teaching and learning is tailored to the needs of girls, developing their confidence and empowering them to pursue any direction their talents lead them. 
You can read research and articles about the benefits of an all-girls education for your daughter on the The Girl’s Advantage page on our website.

How can I enrol my daughter in primary school at Lauriston?

Simply complete our Application for Admission

Applications are accepted at any year level depending on vacancies however, we currently have waiting lists for entry into several year levels and families are encouraged to apply early.  

In Victoria, students must be 5 years of age on or before 30 April in order to commence Prep. 

Students on a temporary residency visa need to follow the steps under 'International Enrolments How to Apply' 

What curriculum do you teach at primary school at Lauriston?

During primary school, there is a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy, as well as specialist and enrichment programs.  

Lauriston delivers an Investigations program in Prep and Year 1. The Investigations program emphasises skill development and acquisition of understanding through a balanced curriculum that actively engages children in learning, play and explicit teaching.  

Using inquiry-based learning, girls from Years 2 to 6 participate in a range of projects that teach through asking questions, problem solving, making and remaking things and reflecting on outcomes.  

As students move through primary school at Lauriston they are taught and encouraged to take on more leadership roles. Our leadership programs focus on developing the organisational skills, responsibility, teamwork and public speaking. 

Under the Fig Tree | news & articles

Principal Susan Just with students Katherine, Samantha and Emily
Announcement regarding Principal Susan Just
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Lauriston Girls' School teaching staff engaging in collaborative discussions during a Quality Teaching Rounds session, promoting evidence-based teaching practices.
Building a Culture of Quality: Implementation of the QT Model
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