
Ready to learn

Prep is a truly foundational year and is a significant milestone for children and families. This is because it is during a time that children decide whether school is a happy place where they belong and form views about themselves as a capable learner. 

The Lauriston Prep program is provided by exceptional educators in a nurturing and caring environment. They are designed to empower children to learn in a way that is optimal for them to develop their essential cognitive, emotional, physical and social aptitudes.  

The fostering of good relationships makes girls feel positive about themselves and helps them learn more effectively so that they can gradually encourage greater independence.  

There is also a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy, as well as specialist and enrichment programs, such as MusicArtPhysical Education and Digital Skills. We ensure that that all girls are appropriately supported and challenged depending on their learning needs.

Highlights throughout the year include planting and harvesting from our kitchen garden, our 100 Days of Prep celebration, the Blairholme Spring Market and following the Lauriston Design Process to create 3D shapes in the FabLearn Lab.

"While advancing traditional foundation skills in literacy and numeracy. Lauriston has highly developed programs to promote digital literacy, creativity, collaboration and STEM learning that will equip the girls for the world as it is, and will be"
― Chris Toms, Vice Principal, Head of Junior School
"“Here at Lauriston, imagination is at the cornerstone of our approach to STEM learning. We believe that through focusing on imagination, we enable the girls to take risks with their learning and learn from their mistakes"
― Emily Gibbs-Connor, Head of Digital Learning
“At this crucial stage of a girl’s development, a Lauriston education is dominated by ‘hands on’ learning and creative experiences, designed to spark and nurture their natural curiosity."
― Susan Just, Principal
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Step to Prep

Starting school is a significant milestone in a child’s life and choosing a school that is right for your child is one of the most important decisions a family can make. 

Lauriston’s Step to Prep parent information session is held in Term 1 annually and features presentations from our Director of Kindergarten, Head of Junior School and external guest presenters.

We help parents navigate this important milestone by exploring:

  • What ‘ready for Prep’ really means
  • The factors that contribute to being ‘ready for Prep’
  • The key questions parents ask when choosing a school
  • Tips for a smooth transition to Prep

This event is not a Lauriston open morning and we welcome families of boys and girls.

If you would like to express your interest in attending our next Step to Prep event, please register via the below form.